Friday, June 14, 2013

Probably White is a fusion of artisanal ceramics with contemporary Arabic calligraphy

Probably White was founded as a result of collaboration between two talented people: designer, entrepreneur & Arabic calligraphy specialist Vasily KasSab and a porcelain master and artist Reia-performance.

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Probably White is a fusion of artisanal ceramics with contemporary approach. The developed line Siramiki represents the merge of hand crafted ceramics with graceful Arabic calligraphy. Every item is a pure performance and a result of long originative process. The collection includes 4 pieces of unique porcelain coffee cups, each of which is accompanied with a golden Arabic letter (one letter of the word coffee in Arabic)

Siramiki Classic,  collection by Probably White

The Golden age is back! Siramiki is an artistic interplay of moods and forms, which gives birth to a new experience of an old habit.

Probably White Artists unit the excellence of arts and crafts with design methodology.The vision and expression of the designer is combined with the intrinsic talent of the ceramic specialists, inherent in expertise which requires years of practice to give soul to materials thanks to their meticulous hand workmanship.With time the intimate beauty of crafted objects is revealed. 

Siramiki artist, by Probably White, is a limited art collection interpreted  by the artist Reia
Credits: Branding & web design